Design Concept

My design concept is to utilise nature, by shaping trees to create a seating area for parks within urban cities.

By researching in biomimicry I was drawn attention to an alternate solution to sustainability, which I focused on to design my final concept.
By looking at the ways in which trees grow and how they can be shaped I was able to make my idea realistic and create some sketches at a concept stage.

By creating a seating area in this way rather than a manufactured bench or chair, it would result in less energy being used within production and manufacturing, a cut down on the cost of materials, and show the public the actions we can take to save our planet as well as providing awareness of the issue.

I think that these seats would become very popular within cities as, for example, if working in a busy office, lunch breaks could be a getaway and a relaxing haven if surrounded by nature.

I have drawn some sketches both as single seats as well as benches. I have purposely kept them natural and tried to allow the trees their freedom as i feel that it would defeat the object and message they convey if the trees were too sculptured and manipulated.

I also believe that the branches could also be shaped to create arms for the chairs and the designs themselves could be developed further, however, as this is just a concept, I shall leave the designs at this stage as I feel they, along with my annotations and explanations on my research page, explain my concept clearly.