
Alongside the design project I am expected to research into what the term sustainable design means, by the end of the module I will be asked to write a personal statement that reflects my position in relation to sustainable design. This statement will require supporting references and evidence. My personal stance on sustainable design will form part of the assessment of the project and they will be looking for evidence that my statement is reflected in the design project I undertake.


My Sustainable Statement

To me I think sustainability is key within any design now. I believe that sustainable design is simply a design concept that takes into account the wellbeing of the environment and earth. This can be achieved in many different ways whether it is recycling, the use of long lasting materials, manufacturing that uses little energy or even something as simple as creating a design that has more than one purpose, reducing the amount of products/objects that are bought and used. As I said there are many routes to go down when wanting to create a sustainable design but I do believe that it is essential if you want your design to be successful as well as keeping your carbon footprint low.


Found Examples of sustainable design (mostly using recycled goods) as well as bamboo as a sustainable material.


I have made a few spider diagrams to allow me to look at different options within sustainability, here is one that I have made after cancelling down different areas to leave the ones I am most interested in. I shall then research into these aspects and finally look decide on the one I wish to focus on for my design

I also wish to look into:

  • Biomimicry
  • Modularity
  • Dematerialisation
  • longevity

As when briefly looking into sustainability I found these four concepts to be the most useful, interesting and gave me ideas for my own design.